Presenting: Four open calls for submissions to The Commoner: A Web Journal for Other Values
Dear friends, colleagues, comrades,
The editorial collective of The Commoner: A Web Journal for Other Values is pleased to announce four open calls for submissions:

Commoning ecologies
In this special section of The Commoner: A Web Journal for Other Values, we invite contributions and expressions of interest that delve into the methodologies, practices, potentials, and horizons of ecological and ‘more-than-human’ commoning. Submissions may explore a variety of themes, including but not limited to…
Commoning and the convergence of struggles
We encourage reflections, essays, artwork, and multimedia contributions that draw from a spectrum of struggles and their commoning practices, and which chart pathways of convergence among movements and struggles, highlighting intersections and synergies concerning critical issues like climate justice, labor rights, land tenure, resource management, the recognition of peasant and indigenous communities, as well as women’s and trans-feminist mobilizations, among others.

Liminal commons
What about those commons that are short-lived yet leave a profound impact on both participants and their surroundings? How do we decipher the significance of such transient commons? We invite contributions that delve into the themes of temporality and transformation within commoning struggles, with a keen focus on their political, cultural, personal, and communal implications.
Commoning space
How can struggles over space, particularly in the context of commoning practices, foster social bonds centered around sharing, mutual aid, and fairness? This special section of The Commoner seeks to redefine our understanding of urban commons, communal land use, and the territories where commoning occurs. We invite contributions that blend theoretical exploration with practical insights, drawing from diverse disciplines or emerging from grassroots movements and communities engaged in commoning practices.

Whether bringing insights and stories from grassroots organizing, academic research, or artistic expressions, we invite contributions in web-friendly formats, including articles, essays, case studies, and reflections from the field and from the streets. Submissions may be primarily textual or may use creative arts and multimedia. Collaborative contributions are particularly encouraged, as we aim to foster dialogue across histories of thought and build bridges across academic disciplines, movements, knowledge systems and grounded struggles.
Submissions and expressions of interest are invited for review on an ongoing basis.
Join us in fostering a dialogue that explores the transformative potential of commoning, for building solidarity, reshaping our collective future and collectively envisioning other worlds and other values. For more information, to pitch a work-in-progress or to submit a contribution, please visit our submission guidelines or contact the editorial collective or section editors at contact[at]
Warm regards,
Editorial collective, The Commoner
Omnia sunt communia