The Commoner

Issue 12: Spring/Summer 2007

‘Value strata, migration and “other values”‘

This issue proposes some lines of enquiry around three interrelated themes: the migratory flows of people in today global factory, the dynamics and hierarchies underpinning the production of value for capital, and the production of values other than those for capital. The search for the connection among these themes is what allows us to weave together these papers so very different in style and subject matter.

  • Introduction by the editors: Value strata, migration and “other values” [PDF]
  • Devi Sacchetto: Offshore Outsourcing and Migrations: the South-Eastern and Central Eastern European Case [PDF]
  • Massimiliano Tomba: Differentials of Surplus-Value in the contemporary forms of exploitation [PDF]
  • Ferruccio Gambino: A critique of Fordism and the Regulation School [PDF]
  • Silvia Federici and George Caffentzis: Notes of the edu-factory and cognitive capitalism [PDF]
  • Massimo De Angelis: Measure, excess and translation: some notes on “cognitive capitalism” [PDF]
  • Patrick Cuninghame: Reinventing an/other anti-capitalism in Mexico: The Six Declaration of the EZLN and the “Other Campaign” [PDF]
  • Mariarosa Dalla Costa: Reruralizing the World [PDF]
  • Mariarosa Dalla Costa: Two Baskets for Change [PDF]
  • Mariarosa Dalla Costa: Food as Common and Community [PDF]

The expropriation of the land was accompanied by the expulsion of populations that derived from it the possibility for nutrition and settlement. Eradicated from their land, they added themselves to urban slums or they took the route of migration.
[Mariarosa Dalla Costa, Reruralizing the World]

To conclude: in both the South and the North there is a growing global movement for food as a common good which will have to embrace a series of commons, including respect for the ecosystem to the re-establishment of its life cycles, the appreciation of the specific features of various types of territory. Food that will be a bringer of life, health, abundance, and alternative relationships with nature and between people.
[Mariarosa Dalla Costa, Food as Common and Community]