‘Re(in)fusing the commons’
After ten issues, The Commoner makes the first timid steps toward changing format and organisation, towards making more explicit and visible the practices of cyber commoning it is grounded on. Watch this space, we are slow, but things will happen. Meanwhile, enjoy the edition that our two guest editors, Nate Holdren and Stevphen Shukaitis, have put together, an edition in which the different contributions are traversed by the problematic of commoning.
- Introduction by the editors: Re(in)fusing the commons [PDF]
- Angela Mitropoulos: Autonomy, Recognition, Movement [PDF]
- Nick Dyer-Witheford: Species-Being and the New Commonism [PDF]
- Precarias a la Deriva: A Very Careful Strike – Four hypotheses [PDF]
- P.M: The golden globes of the planetary commons [PDF]
- George Ciccariello-Maher: Working-Class One-Sidedness from Sorel to Tronti [PDF]
- Silvia Federici: The Restructuring of Social Reproduction in the United States in the 1970s [PDF]
- Ida Dominijanni: Heiresses at Twilight. The End of Politics and the Politics of Difference [PDF]
Feminist historiography has documented the repetition of this phenomenon in many different contexts. In every instance, the moments of recognizable feminine presence are revolutionary phases of human history, while the tendency to exclusion-reclusion sneaks back in the successive, and generally longer, phase of ‘normal history.’ In the early Christian societies, in the late medieval cities, in the modern French state, in revolutionary Russia, in independent Algeria, in anti-imperialist Iran, in enormously different contexts, feminine protagonism was accepted at the early stages and then at a certain point, when the revolutionary phase ceded to the search for stable forms, it became, so to speak, unsustainable, particularly for men.
[Luisa Muraro, Oltre l’uguaglianza, in Dominjanni, Heiresses at Twilight]